Infant/Oral Motor Therapy
Purposeful play+PT for infants with oral ties and feeding dysfunction
Service Description
Pre- and/or post-frenectomy (tongue/lip tie release procedure) physical therapy* care centers around: >Communication and collaboration of care with your whole care team (release provider, pediatrician, IBCLC, OT, SLP, DC, all caregivers) >Addressing the full-body implications of midline tissue restrictions >Educating and instructing caregivers in developmentally supportive handling and positioning >Educating caregivers in gentle wound care and oral tissue handling techniques, supporting caregivers in carrying out release provider's protocols >Facilitating a positive therapeutic play experience for the whole family *A frenectomy procedure is not a prerequisite for therapy for suspected or diagnosed ties. Babies often demonstrate a need for therapeutic play and intervention in the absence of oral ties. Many parents end up looking for infant therapy on the recommendation of release providers or other providers, or through their own careful searching and learning. If you're wondering if therapy can help your infant, let's talk!

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